Can not update Z waive JS 5.0

I hacvev tried to update Z Waze 5. with 6.0. and 6.1. I am running HA OS 12.4 Core 2024.6.3 on Virtual Box on Mac OS Sonoma. When I try to Virtual Box becomes non reposnsive whhihc also prevents any logging

I can’t help you but I am having the same issue. Below are my details:

I’m running HA 2024.6.4 on Windows pc via a virtual machine on Vbox. I just installed HA about a week ago and I already have it basically working as I need it to. However, I’m having a problem trying to update Z-Wave JS from 0.5.0 to 0.6.1. When I start the install it locks up the vm within a couple of minutes and never completes the update. I have to power off the vm and start it again to re-gain access. I have left the upgrade running as long as 10 hours with the same results. I have checked the logs but I believe its locking up and not writing to the log during the upgrade process.

exactly what is happening with me…

I just installed the 0.6.2 update and it was totally successful

Interesting. I saw that update and read the change log but didn’t see anything about a fix for this issue so I skipped it. I’m not sure how to get the option back to update it. If I can figure that out i’ll try the update also.

I imagine the next update will work. They seem to update quite frequently. Many cases this causes me to spend a half day recovering my customizations

Same here. Running HA 2024.6.4 with HAOS 12.4 on Virtual box VM on top of Windows 10. Currently running Zwave JS 6.0. Tried update three times. all with same results. First from 6.0 to 6. 1 then today (a few since last try 6.0 to 6.2.

I have updated zwave many times before nearly always without any issue until now.

The update hangs in the GUI and the VM goes unresponsive. I cannot even reset it or power it off. I need to kill the VM process and restart it.