Can "person" used in automation for zone trigger?

It is possible?

It would be very helpful to improve reliability (for example my wife changed phone last week and I was wondering if i have to change all device tracker for the new one or I can simply use person sensor.

Thank you in advance

You can use any entity you want to trigger.

Iā€™m not sure if that actually works, the ā€œpersonā€ entity does not have location directly but probably one of the entities returned as the ā€œsourceā€.

I found what was causing the problem on my end, the Unify and IOS presence detection were overriding the iPhone ā€œdevice_trackerā€ entity since both generate one with same name. I have to rename the ID in the IOS app and add both for that person. Now I get the coordinates.

Thatā€™s not correct. If I click on my ā€˜personā€™ it shows my gps position right now as Iā€™m away from home. I also use the person in the travel time here-now tracker integration

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Youā€™re right. I found what was causing the problem on my end. Comment updated. Thank you!

Thereā€™s a hierarchy for personā€¦ gps should override the others I think. I had multiple entities in my person and I ended up removing one that always was throwing off the location and saying I was home when other trackers correctly marked me away. It can be trial and error.

Yes thatā€™s correct. In my case the entity created by the unify integration was overriding the one created by the ios platform. So I had just one device_tracker entity. After renaming the ios one in the app, I have now two device_tracker entities in the person one and the GPS one correctly overrides the unify one. Thanks.