Can someone help me with a networking problem?

i was trying to setup encryption, but i got stuck getting the certifaction.

from digging into the problem i am pretty sure that the problem is somewhere in my fritzbox or with my provider.
i just dont understand it.

if i check my fritzbox i find a specific IP address. lets set a fictional for that to be able to speak about it.
so in the fritzbox i find
and i guess that must be the real one, because i can use to get to my fritzbox.
if i use that address in duckdns and use portforwarding i can find my HA without encryption.

so far everything normal. now the difficult part:

if i go to external websites like:
it finds a totally different external IP address.
lets say that that one is:
but the problem is that when i installed the duckdns parts on my rpi i find that same IP address.

so what makes that i find another external ip address then the actual external ip address???

Just to be sure: the first IP you’re talking about is not a private address like or

To get a thrid opinion about your external IP address, execute the following command from your raspberry:
dig +short

That’s the one any DynDNS service has to point to.

the first ip is the outside ip i find in my fritzbox.
the one 1 use when i am away from home to reach my router.

my intern network address from my fritzbox and all devices is like

and like all other things gives your command the second IP.
the one that doesnt work when i use it with duckdns, the one i cant use to reach out to my fritzbox.

how can i have 2 outside IPadresses pointing to 1 and the same network???

What’s your provider? The only situation where I could imagine two external IPs would be a setup with two gateways. That would be the case if you have a regular connection to your ISP + a fallback solution with something like LTE / UMTS. I know the FritzBox can handle those UMTS-sticks. So if you have something like that attached, maybe the FB does some sort of load balancing and sends the request your PI makes through the other gateway.

just an ordinairy fritzbox with nothing attached to it.

my provider is a small company that has made highspeed internet in this area possible.

the fritzbox is connected to the phoneline.

Since the FritzBox typically is used in Germany and I assume you speak german, here’s a discussion about a similar problem. If your provider does something similar, you can’t use dynamic DNS withouth their help.

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thank you.

i dont need to search anymore, That is the same problem.
so i guess i have to call my provider to make it possible to reach my HA from the outside :wink:

that explains also why i could reach my fritzbox and my VPN from other houses in my area (most of them have the same provider) but not when i was in my other house which has another provider.
never thought about that actually but that comes to me writing this :wink:

now hoping that they will/can help me and that i dont need to change provider for that.
because then i need to wait 6 months before i can reach HA from outside my house.