Can someone package home assistant for startOS?

Dear Home Assistant developers, can I ask you to consider packaging Home Assistant for StartOS?

What is StartOS:
StartOS is a sovereign FOSS home server with strong focus on privacy.

About Start9:
Start9 is dedicated to building a powerful and reliable foundation for Sovereign Computing in the form of StartOS. Start9 will always maintain a small set of “official” services, which allow for a wide range of features that the average user would need.

Your support:
The bulk of the responsibility for StartOS service packaging therefore, will fall on community and upstream software developers. Check out this blog post for more details on this strategy.

I would love to see these two projects work hand in hand.


Home Assistant (HA) is already available in different edition for those cases.
StartOS just needs to fulfill the requirements for packages and libraries.

Home Assistant OS (HAOS) is a special designed Linux OS tailered to run HA, which is a really the same StartOS is trying to do.
The difference is that HAOS is already testes, tried and widely used globally already, where StartOS seems to just be starting up.

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