Can someone recommend me an esp32?

I have an Xiao esp32_c3 wich have to low memory to do the things i want it to do…
So i was wondering wich is the best esp and which one should i buy?

That might depend on your project. Esp C3 is running on low temperature. less than 40 C and that makes it, in my opinion, good option for ie. presence sensor + light sensor. Because you don’t wanna have hot device running hot 24/7.
Esp32dev usually runs around 70 C and even more.

As said above, it kind of depends on your project. You might look at this Adafruit ESP32-S3. It comes in a version with 4mb of Flash and 2mb of PSRAM and one with 8mb of Flash. One of those might work for you. It also has a STEMMA connector for the i2c bus, which means less soldering if you buy sensors that have STEMMA connectors as well. I have a bunch of these doing different things (all that run 24x7 - presence sensing, light/temp/humidity, and even mains power detection), and they’ve worked well for me.

They aren’t the cheapest things, but they are very good quality boards from what I can tell.

I have ordered an> Adafruit ESP32-S3 Feather 8MB flash…

i Have an esp-12f laying around, can i use that one to give the esp32c3 more ram?

none? plz need hlp

You do you expect to do that ? Solder the 12f on the esp32c3 ?

tldr; No you can’t

okok thank you, i will order the esp32s3 then…