Can this moon lamp be flashed with custom firmware? What is this chip?

I bought this cheap moon lamp from Aliexpress:

Hoping to put custom firmware on it and connect it to home assistant so I opened it up:

To my untrained eye it doesn’t look like a ESP8266 and I have no clue what it is.

I’d really appreciate if anyone recognizes this microcontroller and can share some wisdom on whether this thing could be flashed with Tasmota or any other custom firmware.

Thank you so much in advance!

The ESP board is the blue daughter board with the metal shield. Look for programming pads (tx,rx,gnd,3.3v) on it. You will also have to trace out the connections to the base board to work out how it is controlling the LEDs. The 16 pin SMD chip could be anything. The part number appears to have been ground off.

thanks so much will try to do as you suggest

Let us all know, this will save me having to “break” our john Lewis moz the monster lamp and put a esp8266 in it.

Any news on this project?