Can zigbee device be added manually?

I deleted by mistake a sonoff diy zigbee switch from my ZHA devices list… I know I can put it on pair mode and scan it to add it again, BUT it is inside an electric box, in a hard to reach place… I tried to turn the electric power of the house off for a while, but obviously, this don’t put the device on pairing mode, because I must press the device button for that.

So, I was wondering if there is a way to manually add it again to the ZHA devices list, as it is paired with the zigbee bridge, it is just deleted from HA zigbee devices list…

From everything I have experienced, you are going have to reset using the actual device.

If using the ZHA integration then you could restore a backup from before you deleted the device inside ZHA (as it should do a zha/zigpy backup every night by default as part of the standard HA backups), see →