Cannot add after force removal: Kwikset Home Conect 620

After the interview failed. My Kwikset lock refuses to add again.
I did a “Remove failed device”, but according to support, even after a factory reset the device still think that is joined to the network.

Dead in the water here. What are my options?

I’m inclined to believe that support is wrong.

Have you actually factory reset the lock?

They are finicky where the lock wants to talk directly to the controller during pairing. You can remove the lock from the door and move it near your Z-Wave coordinator device and try pairing it.

I remove the assemlby and put it right next to the the hass box with the zigbee radio

Is there a way todo “general exclusion” in ZwaveJS-UI ?

Yes, and that’s probably what you need to do. It’s under manage nodes - the same place you try to perform the inclusion.

If you force removed the lock the ZWave module didn’t leave the network and won’t join another until it successfully responds to an exclusion.

It is possible to have this condition survive a reset If your lock is PRE ZWave plus (the plus spec added the requirement that a factory reset also force exclude the device)

Unplug your controller so it’s not powered on then factory reset the device. The power the controller back on and try to perform the replace failed node action and see if it works then.