Cannot delete duplicate ESP device?

I wanted to change software from an ESP device. This then led to a duplicate device entry.
How can I delete these two devices (only one exists)?

I can only delete one device!
However, when I delete that, the other thing remains, which has no entities and cannot be deleted.
I do not understand that!
Does anyone know what I have to do to remove this completely so that I can insert everything cleanly and new under HA?

What You see on pressing here ?
See “ESPHome” device in list ?

if i click there, then i get this

if i configure this device… then i get same same double entry by devices… thats the reason why i would like delet it

But now i check this

on the top of this pic you can show the name Aircontrol-D1Mini
but in the Growbot-AnzuchtBox… is this Device-name also included

if i click on Growbot-AnzuchtBox and i let me show the 2 devices i get this pic

normaly have to stay there only 1 device

total crazy :frowning:

There was a note about reusing ESP devices in one of the last releases. You have to delete it from Home Assistant before reusing it.

Try this:

Delete the new device.

Flash the old firmware to the device (the yaml file is probably still in config/esphome/trash ). Add that to home assistant, then delete it.

You can now re-flash the new device and add it to home assistant.

The other way is to dig around in the home assistant registry, but that is fraught with danger and can trash your whole system with one comma out of place.

Suggest to use three dots at the right side of line and press DELETE.
Then wait notification to add/register device which still online.
Or add it manually.