Cannot find ssl files generated by duckdns

I’ve wasted a whole day chatting chatGPT with no luck…
I’ve purchased home assistant green.
Installed letsencrypt addon, didn’t succeed.
Installed duckdns, registered a domainm provide the token, the log says that the certs exist but i cannot find them, not even when i manually created /ssl and /config/ssl:

  • Checking domain name(s) of existing cert… unchanged.
  • Checking expire date of existing cert…
  • Valid till May 1 06:58:05 2025 GMT (Longer than 30 days). Skipping renew!

find / -name “ssl”

find / -name “*.pem”

Then i thought it may be related to the fact that i first installed let’sencrypt addon and maybe there is some conflict between them, but nothing has changed when i uninstalled letsencrypt.

Final goal is to have the ability to access ha from an external address using https.

Any idea?

Install this add-on and your problems will be gone.