I did the following to get my Athom Homey devices in home assistant:
- Install and configure Home Assistant on Synology NAS in Docker (package)
- Install and configure a Mosquitto broker (package) on Synology NAS
- Install MQTT client app on Homey and configure it to connect to the broker
- Install MQTT Hub app on Homey and configure it for Home Assistant discovery
- Set up an integration to the broker in Home Assistant configuration
In my opinion step 1 till 4 are successfull, but step 5 is not successfull.
In Step 5 I added the MQTT integration in Home Assistant and connected it with the correct IP-adress, port number 1883 and the correct username and password.
When I look into MQTT Explorer, there is nothing shown at homeassistant
What am I doing wrong? There are no entries in my logging.