Cannot get zwave up and running

I have virtualbox running on Ubutu 18.0.4 and I have read through everything article on the internet…lol.

I’ve forwarded USB from my host to my guest but I cannot get home assistant to see it. This is my first time with Hassbian and I’ve been fighting it for a few weeks.

The commands to list USB show the AEOTEC device at /dev/ttyACM0

But HA will not pick it up.

What am I missing? I’ve tried everything I can find to try.

I know nothing about virtualbox. That said, does the home assistant user have permission to use the port?

sudo usermod -a -G dialout home-assistant-user-name

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I ran that command against the user I installed with. Is there a command to run that will show the user Hassbian is running as just to make sure?

There are several ways to see what processes a user is running. I usually use:
ps -u [username]
ps -ef | grep <username

I put my logging in debug mode and I see this. See where it states you can only have one zwave instance. But I have never gotten this configured and it does not show in my integrations.

‘’: ‘Password’, ‘’: ‘Port’, ‘’: ‘Username’, ‘’: ‘Please enter the connection information of your MQTT broker.’, ‘’: ‘MQTT’, ‘’: ‘Enable discovery’, ‘component.mqtt.config.step.hassio_confirm.description’: ‘Do you want to configure Home Assistant to connect to the MQTT broker provided by the add-on {addon}?’, ‘component.mqtt.config.step.hassio_confirm.title’: ‘MQTT Broker via add-on’, ‘component.mqtt.config.title’: ‘MQTT’, ‘component.zwave.config.abort.already_configured’: ‘Z-Wave is already configured’, ‘component.zwave.config.abort.one_instance_only’: ‘Component only supports one Z-Wave instance’, ‘component.zwave.config.error.option_error’: ‘Z-Wave validation failed. Is the path to the USB stick correct?’, ‘’: ‘Network Key (leave blank to auto-generate)’, ‘’: ‘USB Path’, ‘component.zwave.config.step.user.description’: ‘See for information on the configuration variables’, ‘component.zwave.config.step.user.title’: ‘Set up Z-Wave’, ‘component.zwave.config.title’: ‘Z-Wave’, ‘component.point.config.abort.already_setup’: ‘You can only configure a Point account.’, ‘component.point.config.abort.authorize_url_fail’: ‘Unknown error generating an authorize url.’, ‘component.point.config.abort.authorize_url_timeout’: ‘Timeout generating authorize url.’, ‘component.point.config.abort.external_setup’: 'Point successfully configured

I figured this out. It’s because my USB dongle was not exposed to the Docker container. I had to start the container including the -device mapping so HASS could see the USB.