Cannot see Adaptive Lighting In Add-ons/Integration


Brand new to this whole home automation business but god damn when I this morning managed to get my Ubiquiti G4 Pro to trigger the lights in my hallway when I walked in front of the camera… That feeling was amazing!

However I was looking for a way to set the brightness etc depending on what time of the day it was etc to avoid blinding my children right before they try walking down the stairs at night and found Adaptive lightning posts everywhere. REad a bit and thought, yeah this could work. But when I search under Settings → Add-ons → Add-on Store. I cannot see Adaptive Lighting.
I saw a notice stating to enable advance mode but the only difference when I type in “Ada” is that it goes from Nothing at all to just showing the add-on “Hey Ada!”.

So, am I doing something horrendously wrong here? What am I missing?

I am running the following:
Home Assistant 2023.1.2
Supervisor 2022.12.1
Operating System 9.4
Frontend 20230104.0 - latest

Which is running on Home Assistant OS (No GUI just text) on a couple of years old Lenovo Tiny PC.

Since I am fresh and new, feel free to point me in obvious directions and be rude if you feel I have missed something obvious that I really should have been able to figure out myself. Anything that helps! :smiley:

Thank you in advance!

Best Regards,

It’s not an Add-on, it is a custom component, so you have to follow other steps to install it.

Do you have HACS installed?

If you cannot find it under HACS, follow their instructions to install it.