Cannot see any devices in Tuya Integration

First of all, I am new to Home Assistant and am completely stuck with adding Tuya. I have successfully added my devices to IOT Tuya Cloud and can see all devices. I have installed the regular new version of Tuya and seemingly successfully connected to my Tuya account. But, I cannot see any of my devices in HA.
In configuration.yaml I cannot see any tuya settings. The one in the screenshot, I tried to add myself, but not work. I can also not see any other tuya config files.

In IOT Tuya i have added these APIs:

In Configuration - Integrations I only see this:

Any suggestions to what I am missing here?

When you add the “tuya” integration, you should see this screen. This is where you enter the info.
I never had to input anything in any yaml.

I would try to remove and reinstall the integration to see if that screen pops up this time.


I know this is an old thread. But worked for me. I wasn’t seeing devices. I removed the “Hub,” then added it right back in as a new Hub. The devices showed up.