I set up Home Assistant at my parents house, and to troubleshoot their problems I would like to remotely login, so I also set up DuckDNS. But now this happens…I’m not able to acces Home Assistant on their LAN network anymore by the following addresses:
None of the above addresses work… The http://ip-addres:8123 does load, but gets stuck on the Unable to connect, retry in ... seconds page and will never load the UI.
I CAN acces outside of their LAN with the DuckDNS addres.
Zag ik er nog niet bij staan in je geprobeerde adressen. Zo werkt het bij mij wel. Ik gebruik geen Local. Behalve als ik port forwarding uitzet.
Have you try this? I dont see this option in your list.
I dont use local, except i dont use port forwarding.
I removed ssl lines from configuration.yaml because I was having issues with it and nginx ssl proxy should deal with certs if I understand this correctly.
@aceindy unfortunately it doesn’t work. The webpage does load, but says ‘Unable to connect’
@ddaniel I don’t use NGinx proxy, but I read that this could solve the problem. But I never had this problem with my own installation, so I hoped I was missing something or there was a quick fix.