Since upgrading to 2023.11.3 core (.6 supervisor) my zigbee networking is not working fine.
I had all sort of issues for which I suspected hardware failures, which resulted me in buying a new Sonoff 3.0 Usb Dongle to replace my old conbee2, which worked great until last week. I am using hass os on a brand new raspberry 4.
I know have part of the network working, but a certain type of device won’t pair, no matter what.
These are some Vimar smart sockets/switches, that worked until a few day ago. Then they started to display all sorts of bizarre errors and pushed to reinstall from scratch to get it back working. With no success.
Looking at the logs I fiund these error messages, that may be related:
2023-12-01 18:09:30.007 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy_znp.api] Failed to parse broken GeneralFrame(header=CommandHeader(id=0x9F, subsystem=Subsystem.ZDO, type=CommandType.AREQ), data=b'\xE7\x6D\x84\x03\xEC') as <class 'zigpy_znp.types.commands.ZDO.ParentAnnceRsp.Callback'>
2023-12-01 18:09:30.011 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy_znp.zigbee.application] Failed to deserialize ZDO packet
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/zigpy_znp/zigbee/", line 524, in on_zdo_message
zdo_hdr, zdo_args = self._device.zdo.deserialize(...
2023-12-01 18:17:34.154 ERROR (MainThread) [zigpy_znp.uart] Received an exception while passing frame to API: TransportFrame(payload=GeneralFrame(header=CommandHeader(id=0xB2, subsystem=Subsystem.ZDO, type=CommandType.AREQ), data=b'\xE7\x6D\x84\x00\x32'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/zigpy_znp/", line 72, in data_received
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/zigpy_znp/", line 830, in frame_received
command = command_cls.from_frame(frame, align=self.nvram.align_structs)...
I can put full stacktraces if that helps.
Is there something I can do to sort this out?
Thanks for your help