The Home Assistant code is pretty stable, especially if you don’t stay on the the latest release and let any bugs get fixed. is very new and has only been around for a few months. The bugs in that base operating seem to still be getting worked out, compatibility is also an issue.
I have avoided for this reason. I have been quite happy on either manual installs or using hassbian.
When you have an issue check the error log and see if there is any information that clues you into what has gone wrong. Be sure to use the config checker before you implement a change, and if you run into an issue post up the issue on the forum with some details and there is a great community here to help you solve the problem.
I didn’t complain about Home Assistant itself.
But is a different story. When there’s no SSH OR HA there’s no way to get into it to check the logs or anything.
As far as I know a full reset is the only way. I posted this to see if there’s a workaround I don’t know about.
Thanks guys. It’s not a hardware issue.
I’m having the same problem in a RasPi 3 B and RasPi B with different high speed SD cards.
I thought Hassbian was retired I’ll re-image using Hassbian. That way I have a full Linux distro for other stuff too.