Can't connect to

I find very unstable. The smallest issue during upgrade, etc. makes it completely unusable.

Most recently, the Pi was just sitting at home. No upgrades no nothing.

No neither SSH or Home Assistant services work when I reboot. I can see that the Pi connects to the router but no services are running on any port.

Is there a work around that I’m not aware of?
What’s the point of something you have to factory reset with the slightest problem…

You are using a beta ( operating system, hence the 0.64 with another beta software ( version 0.54, things aren’t going to run super smoothly.

The Home Assistant code is pretty stable, especially if you don’t stay on the the latest release and let any bugs get fixed. is very new and has only been around for a few months. The bugs in that base operating seem to still be getting worked out, compatibility is also an issue.

I have avoided for this reason. I have been quite happy on either manual installs or using hassbian.

When you have an issue check the error log and see if there is any information that clues you into what has gone wrong. Be sure to use the config checker before you implement a change, and if you run into an issue post up the issue on the forum with some details and there is a great community here to help you solve the problem.

I didn’t complain about Home Assistant itself.
But is a different story. When there’s no SSH OR HA there’s no way to get into it to check the logs or anything.
As far as I know a full reset is the only way. I posted this to see if there’s a workaround I don’t know about.

Yeah that sucks, its really hard to troubleshoot without any data. Will it boot back up after a reset and work again?

There’s no such thing as a “reset” what I meant was a completely re-image from scratch.

I back up my Home Assistant config and copy it over but plugins need to be installed manually every time so it’s a real pain.

Maybe I should have used ‘reboot’, ie pull the power and let it reboot.

Reboots didn’t help :wink:

What hardware are you running on?

There have been issues in the past with SD cards getting corrupted on a Pi for various reasons. Any chance your SD card is bad/going bad?

Hassbian has been very stable for me. Its quick to install and is based on Rasbian, its basically rasbian with some scripts built into install HA.

I would go with the 1.23 release as I recall seeing an issue with the 1.3 release shortly after it was offered up.

I had some trouble initially but there are some keys to success when getting first acquainted with Hassio:

  • Install SAMBA and/or SSH from Hassio store.
    • Without them how are you going to modify your config?
  • Make sure to use the Hassio sidebar item to restart the system.
    • Do not use “Restart Home Assistant” on the config page.
  • Check home-assistant.log
    • When HA doesn’t startup, it’s most always a configuration.yaml error.

Finally, if you’re totally stuck, try a different SD card or try a format with the Official formatter, then re-blowing it with Etcher.

FYI, some cards fail to a read-only mode: so if there is still data on the card after the SD card formatter, you’ve got a bad card.

Thanks guys. It’s not a hardware issue.
I’m having the same problem in a RasPi 3 B and RasPi B with different high speed SD cards.
I thought Hassbian was retired I’ll re-image using Hassbian. That way I have a full Linux distro for other stuff too.