Cant connect to home assistant (external duckdns url)

I have HA set up with duckdns, like this:
This has worked just fine for months.
Then suddenly today it stopped working. I think this may have happened when I updated Unifi OS (router) to 2.2.12
https://homeassistant.local:8123/ works just fine, but external shows up with a self signed certificate from UbiquitiRouterUI.

Has anyone else experienced something like this?

restart your proxy

I ended up reinstalling HA and loading a backup from 1 day ago. I also restarted my UniFi Security Gateway. Not sure which one did the trick, but it’s now working again.

usually it’s the proxy in my experience. I.e. nginx addon if you use home assistant Os. Sometimes its the ddns addon.

Thank you, I appreciate your help :slight_smile: