- platform: group
name: Licht Küche und Essen
- light.schalter_kuche #this is the one
- light.hue_color_pendant_up_1
- light.hue_color_pendant_down_1
Then I restarted the HA-Server
If I check my developer tools, the light doesn’t show up, just the switch.
What I would expect is that I get an additional entity called light.schalter_kuche
But in my entities I still only have switch.schalter_kuche, nothing else.
Does it matter where in the configuration.yaml I put this? I just put it somewhere near the end, right after the default tts entry. No indent before light:, the other indents are as shown.
It can be placed anywhere vertically in the configuration.yaml as log as there are no indents before light:
Do you use light: somewhere else in your config?
So the thing about the number of light: blocks is interesting… My configuration.yaml contains this:
- platform: switch
name: Schalter Kuche
entity_id: switch.schalter_kuche
- platform: switch
name: Schalter Esstischlampe
entity_id: switch.schalter_esstischlampe
#some other stuff here, followed by a bunch of includes, including this:
light: !include light-groups.yaml
Could this be causing issues? If so, how should it be set up?
Regarding the logs: I can’t see anything relating to this issue. Just some warnings related to pyroute2 (whatever that is) and some errors fetching data from philips hue.
That did the trick - thanks everybody that helped me out here!
I went with Troon’s suggestion, simply because my setup is pretty basic and I don’t feel the need to put the light-mappings in a different file as well.