I have an existing zwave network controlled by a Smarthings Hub. I’ve just installed Home Assistant and connected Smartthings, but am having trouble changing the brightness of my Fibaro Dimmer 2 devices.
All my other lights are working fine including a dimmer from a different manufacturer, but both Fibaro Dimmers don’t change brightness when I adjust them. I can turn them on and off ok, but they ignore a brightness change. I can dim them fine in the Smarttings App and they work fine on Alexa through the Smartthings integration, but for some reason Home Assistant doesn’t control them correctly.
I’m fairly new to HA, so don’t really know where to look to debug them. I enabled debug logging for ST, but don’t see any related messages when I dim those devices. Can someone point me in the right direction as to how I can debug why brightness messages are ignored by ST, but on/off work fine?
I used the smartthings integration at the start or my journey in moving from smartthings but I found it very unreliable. So I bit the bullet and bought a zwave stick and moved all my stuff over (about 14 items) . Not as hard as you think. Took over one at a time to gain knowledge of the open zwave integration. Never had an issue since. Just make sure you have a good signal to your zwave product and it works a charm and some. I use the alexa integration in HA and it’s better than Echo Speak ever was ( and it was good).
I’m still having this problem and finally got around to looking back into it! One interesting development is that if you change the dimming setting in SmartThings, it updates the slider in Home Assistant, but just ignores it the other way round!