Can't disable network interface (IP still pings)

I was trying to multihome Home assistant by adding another interface on top of the existing one (adding end0.107 on top of end0). That worked and both get an IP address, but now homeassistant.local is broken, so I decided to disable the new interface. I did so in the UI and it went away. Great!

But I can still ping it’s IP address. I have no clue how to get rid of it. I tried ‘ha network reload’ to no avail. I even tried rebooting home assistant. Even rebooting it from SSH. When I restart it from ssh, I do see where pings fail for a short time, but when HA comes back up, the vlah107 ip still pings!

why won’t HA shut down that interface? Am I missing something?

BTW, not only can I ping it. I can go to that IP with the :8123 port and I get home assistant, so I know for a fact that it’s home assistant keeping that interface up.

Ok. so never mind. I did a shutdown of HA and while the network interface did come back up. it also showed up in the network interface settings and I disabled it there and that actually removed it. However I still can’t access HA now via homeassistant.local, so hopefully it just didn’t change IPs. Even when it was pinging I could not see it in my unifi router (the device on the 107 vlan).

Leaving this here in case anyone hits this via a google search in the future.

Last reply. The network interface showed up again after a reboot but only with piv6 enabled (which I had disabled). I disabled it again and that did stick, but even after that homeassistant.local didn’t work, then I used wireshark and saw that there was an ipv6 broadcasting the same name and though I had never enabled it, the main eth interface somehow had ipv6 enabled. I disavbled it and now is all back to normal.