Can't download imge for RPi 4 404 error

Trying insall home assistant by following instructions in getting started. When I paste the url in etcher to download image I get a 404 error. It doesn’t matter if I select 64 or 32 bit. It appears to be a broken link or outdated instructions.

I am open to just downloading it and etching it myself. I have worked with flashed images quite a bit so this isn’t an unfamiliar process

The Home Assistant Operating System urls on this page? Raspberry Pi - Home Assistant
Both the 64 and 32 bit images for the Pi 4 work for me just pasting them into a browser window (at work at the moment so can’t check with Etcher). Are you sure you were grabbing the whole link (it’s split across two lines in my browser viewport)? Otherwise, I wonder if GitHub has some kind of load-balancing having issues so wherever it’s sending you to grab the download is not working at the moment?

Download from here :

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Hi, I am having the same problem as @compman2. I would like to download actual version for RPi 4 but link is not working in browser or Etcher. :’(

That works. Thanks!

I can see that official link is wrong in name of the file:

Someone must have corrected whatever was going on. I can now access the image and am flashing it to my SD card.

Haha, yup: History for source/_includes/installation/ - home-assistant/ · GitHub

I think it must have been with the caching issues, because ludeeus made the change a couple of hours ago and it was definitely working when I checked and replied above.