Invalid config for [automation]: [after] is an invalid option for [automation]. Check: automation->trigger->3->after. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 41).
Home Assistant continues to evolve thereby rendering some old blog posts (and old posts here) non-functional. Copy-pasting 3-year-old code might not always work. When it doesn’t, you have to review and compare it to the latest documentation.
If there are indeed “many users here” using this code, they’ve all corrected it since the switch from after to at.
Yes, thanks. I couldn’t get my washing machine to work (you’d guess there would be a HACS plugin or AppDaemon app to do something that frequently wanted) but this doesn’t seem to have other issues. I haven’t been able to test it yet though.
That also picks up posts containing the word “machine” which is fairly ubiquitous. Some may only be interested to learn a washing machine’s power consumption as opposed to detecting its washing cycles.
Been on this forum for over a year (read > 70K posts) and the number of inquiries about detecting washing machine’s cycles are few and far between. It can be done via an integration (where supported), power-monitoring device, or vibration sensor. Aren’t too many ways to detect it and not all that many topics elaborating how it’s done (compared to, for example, lighting/schedule/presence automation).
Yes, and I’m trying to do it via power-monitoring device and there not being a ready-made way, I resorted to a blog post that several forum members also use. It gave me error so I asked for help, is that a problem?
Based on the tens of thousands posts I’ve read over the course of a year, it’s not nearly as popular as your claims suggest. All I had asked was what was your evidence for making those claims.