20-01-10 15:55:39 ERROR (SyncWorker_9) [hassio.docker]
Can't start addon_core_deconz: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error
("linux runtime spec devices: error gathering device
information while adding custom device "/dev/bus/usb": no
such file or directory")
- RPi4 4GB,
hass.io supervisor 193,
- HassOS 3.7,
- RaspBee HAT.
Everything worked perfectly before crash (SD malfunction, I think).
Reflashed SD, reboot, restored last working snapshot.
Error as above wheb trying to start add-on.
Tried deleting, rebooting, redownloading, restarting, everything.
Addon config as before:
"device": "/dev/ttyS0",
"vnc_password": "...redacted..."
What am I missing? Low WAF at the moment. Can’t turn on or off lights.

Did you ever get this figured out? I’m having the same issues on the same setup as you.
No. There is something very strange going on. I got a workaround by by installing the deconz
image from dresden elektronik on an old RPi3, then using the deconz integration in hass so zigbee messages are relayed to the RPi4 hassio.
I haven’t spent more time on it, because I’m moving my entire setup to a Kubernetes cluster and splitting up everything to their individual services. (zigbee, zwave, automation, etc).
I’ve had issues where the device
would change, so I’ve started using UUID instead of /dev/tty*
. Not sure if that’s relevant here, but in case it is, try finding it:
ls -l /dev/serial/by-id/
For a ConBeeII it looks something like:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 May 25 09:00 usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_XXXXXXX -> ../../ttyACM0
is what you’ll want. Then I just use that UUID in place of e.g. /dev/ttyS0
, and I haven’t had issues since.
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