I have the fairly new SR5012 receiver from Marantz and I’m trying to get it to work with HASS. As I understand it there are two options, the denon component or the denonavr component.
The denon component I can’t get any life from at all. As I understand it, it uses telnet to control the reciever, which is supported by my receiver, but I don’t even see any activity in the log. Maybe my receiver is not compatible with that component, I don’t know.
The denonavr component I first couldn’t get anything working with either, just got HTTP error 403. After some googling I realized that Marantz changed the HTTP port to 8080, so I added that to the hostname. Now I can control the power on the HASS page. But it doesn’t get any status back, so if I go and change the power state with the remote, HASS knows nothing about this. Checking the log it confirms this:
[31m2018-01-15 18:02:21 ERROR (SyncWorker_15) [DenonAVR] Host returned HTTP status code 403 when trying to receive data
[31m2018-01-15 18:02:21 ERROR (SyncWorker_15) [DenonAVR] Missing status information from XML of Main for: Power, InputFuncSelect, Mute, MasterVolume
Not really sure what to do, anyone have a fix or a patch?