Can't get MQTT up and running

I installed MQTT via the “add-on” and followed the directions. I previously tested with a public MQTT broker as suggested and I got about 25 devices. Everything in the logs look “good/green” so I’m not sure what’s up. If I got 25 or so devices before with the public broker, why don’t I get them now?

Also, trying to get Frigate up but it always says unable to connect.

@fspatt Just installing the add-on is not sufficient.
Did you also install the Mosquitto integration in HA?


I’m sure I’m missing something.

Can you please share the options and the network settings from the configuration page of the add-on?
And what kind of HA installation do you have? HA OS oder Docker / Supervised?

@anon94216691 let me know if this what you mean.

Any reason you have the customize active set to true? (It defaults to false)
Can you change it to false and restart HA?

No, I changed it and am restarting HA. I also removed the MQTT integration restarted HA and re-added it. No change in the integration, no devices.

Have you checked the existing MQTT topics with a tool like MQTT-Explorer? (That helps debugging MQTT a lot)

Have you enabled the new device discovery in the MQTT integration? (In the integration system options)

Have you created the user for MQTT in Home Assistant?

Which integrations/add-ons are supposed to add your 25 devices to MQTT? Have they been configured to use the correct (new) MQTT broker?

  1. MQTT-Explorer. I’m installing it now.

  2. Yes

  3. Yes

  4. I only saw them for a minute. There was a Tasmoda? But basically, I am trying to get Frigate up and running. It says it can’t connect so I’m assuming it’s an MQTT broker issue. Maybe I’m going down the wrong rabbit hole?

Totally wrong rabbit hole. I have the explorer and am exploring. Thanks @anon94216691!

@fspatt Did you find the issue?

Totally - yes. Still learning the difference of ‘add-on’ and ‘add-on’. Sometimes people use this term when they mean a repository instead of an integration. It’s all becoming clearer. Thanks for the follow-up. I got Frigate up and running!