Cant get to configuration.yaml

I’m using Home Assistant 2021.5.5 and there doesn’t seam to be a way to get to the configuration.yaml file. I’m trying to add the Honeywell Total Connect Comfort (US) to integration and it seams the only way is to edit the configuration.yaml file.

Install the File Editor add-on


how do i go about doing that. Im new to this program

After point 3, just click install and wait.
Once install finished, start add-on and then click in open web interface

All described here: Advanced Configuration - Home Assistant

I did a quick search and it seams like because this is installed in docker the version with supervisor doesn’t work and is broken.

If you use HA Container, the configuration.yaml is in the directory you specified in your docker config.

Ok i’ll have to ssh into the server a little later and find it.