Can't Remove Home Assistant link from Google Home

So, this morning I setup HA with google assistant access as per the guide here

The guide is a little sparse on setting up an Google API key, but a bit of searching came up with some better instructions.

The final stage was to add my newly created service to my Google Home account. Did this, and 86 devices were discovered as I had exposed lights and switches under exposed domains.

All good so far.

I decided to reduce the number of exposed devices down to a specific list, so first thing I did (could have been a mistake…) was to unlink the service from Google home. This is where the problem is…, when I unlinked the account all the devices that were imported from the HA link have been removed, however in Google Home under Manage Accounts the service still appears in Linked services with the same number of devices as before (86), If I click on this and select ‘Unlink’ after a few seconds I get a message ‘Couldn’t update the setting. Check your connection’

If I say to google ‘Sync Devices’ it says OK, syncing devices for 4 providers (The 4 incliudes the HA link), and gives me no errors.

Restarted HA a couple of times, deleted and re-installed the Home Assistant app on my phone and I’m still stuck, no devices are shared with google home and I can’t unlink the service

Anyone else seen this,…??

Deleted the app from the Actions on Google platform, removed Google Assistant config from HA, still no change.

My Google Home app is now totally useless as it tries to control all the duplicated dead/unlinked devices with totally random results if I ask it to do something…

UPDATE : Solved

Lots of chat with Google support, apparently its a known problem, tyhey say there is no known fix. Just tried deleting the account from Google home again an it finally worked.

I tried several times, didnt work, any comments/ideas please ?

Any luck? I’m having the same problem. Been trying to remove the linked service for quite a while now but it just pops back.

I’m also running into the same issue.

Very close to deleting the house and starting from scratch.

Any solutions yet please?

I’m still having this issue.
Moved into a new house and need to unlike the old home assistant account in the google home app.
It simply will not budge.
Has anyone had any success or suggest and ideas please?

I’m having the same issue, anyone managed to work out what to do?

after a long time has no solution to this problem been found?
I have some link [test] delete years old present in work with google…