Can't rename Zwave devices in Hassio web interface

Hi all,

Total noob to HA. I’m coming over from a OpenHAB setup. Flashed to my Rpi3 and it’s up and running. Z-wave devices are all detected. However, I am unable to rename the devices from the web interface. I select a device from the menu, enter the new name, hit Rename Node, and nothing happens. If I switch to another device and back my nice name is gone. It doesn’t show up on the main States screen either.

Is there a trick to renaming Z-Wave devices in the web interface? I saw a bunch of posts about using OZWCP to rename nodes, but also some saying that is a deprecated method. I’m not sure how I’d even launch OZWCP on since it’s in a container. I don’t think I have shell access to the container innards, do I?

Thanks in advance for any help,



When you reboot your computer the new names will show up. Its a pain in the butt.

I too was having a similar problem, but rebooting the host didn’t fix it on my fresh install on RPi 3 with Home Assistant v. 0.55.0.

I solved the problem by manually editing the /config/zwcfg_0xfc41ee37.xml file and by adding the correct name to the “name” field such as <Node id=“2” name=“Front Porch”. After a reboot these values showed up in the web interface.

I believe that there should be a ticket on this, but haven’t found one.

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You need to issue a Restart from the Hassio menu (above Configuration). Click the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner and there is a “Restart Home Assistant” option.

That will allow you to rename the zwave entity. I notice with the GE switches that when I rename them, I get the following:

switch.custom_name_switch (I wish the _switch wasn’t appended to my custom name)

Now I am having issues renaming a zwave switch. I have restarted several times and I have updates hassio to the latest version (0.63.2). I also tried changing the z-wave name a 2nd time, nothing seems to work.

This is what I see under the States Developer Tool:

For some reason it is coming up as switch.switch, I have no idea why. This is what is under the Z-Wave Configurator:

After the Entity Registry, you need to set entity id in entity_registry.yaml.


I had the same issue. My problem was wrong permissions on the zwcfg. When I changed mine to user:group homeassistant, the name change worked fine :slight_smile:

Where did you change the permissions? I don’t even know how to see what the permissions are.

Modifying the entity_registry.yaml worked. Thanks.

@RonJ103 Permission-issue was an answer to @billzingler. So you probably don’t need to worry about that :slight_smile:

I use WinSCP when editing the config files. There you can se permissions like read/write and user:group.

I found the solution to this.
Just delete the entity_registry.yaml and restart Hassio and it will be recreated.