Hi Everyone,
I have a problem which I couldn’t find an answer to. I manually added roborock integration to my config, added a group, and created a scripts for each room to be cleaned, it worked fine for few weeks. After a reboot my dropdown list with each room to clean became unavailable. I couldn’t get it to work so i thought i will just delete the input_select entity and reboot the HA hoping it will come back, well that didn’t happen. Device is there, it can read that vacuum is docked single room scripts work when run but i still don’t have the dropdown list like i used to. Vacuum a room doesn’t have any related items. Can you let me know how can i get it back? My config yaml , script yaml and group yaml looks exactly the same as before the problem occured. I’m using HA on QNAP docker, core-2021.6.6 version. Thanks in advance for help!