Can't see Pi HA front end or files on Mac or Windows

I’ve installed hassbian on an rpi and set up smb. On any Android device I can see the front end and can alter and save the config files through the smb share.

On my Mac and a Windows 10 PC, I can SSH into it via terminal/putty with no problems however, THAT’S ALL!

Trying to load the front end in any browser does nothing other than eventually timing out. I can see the smb share on both devices and it takes the username and password OK but then all that happens is a permanent beachball on the Mac and a spinning blue circle in Windows which requires force quitting/end task to regain control.

Any ideas?

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Is this with a fresh install (no LetsEncrypt setup, etc)? Are you seeing any errors in home_assistant.log?

From a network topology standpoint, the mac/pc are on the same network as the Android device?

Been a while since I set up Samba, but I seem to recall that there’s a file that you edit on the RPi to let it know its hostname.

When you SSH, are you using the IP address or the hostname?

Here’s the resource I used to get Samba set up (on All-in-one):

Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes, it’s fresh bar setting up RF switches via an RM Pro and then setting up samba using that youtube guide though using the correct address for a hassbian install.

No errors in the log, Mac and PC on same network though hard wired same as the Pi, Android devices are wireless.

When SSHing I use the IP on all devices. Changed the name in etc/hostnames to match that in etc/hosts today which sped up SSH sessions dramatically and stopped the it moaning about resolving host but smb and front end just the same.

And the Android device is connecting via a hostname, not an IP?

Oooh…a development, your question about the network made me think. The device on wireless works, the others are by wire, so just tried forcing the the Mac onto wireless and …hey presto, frontend came up and I can see and edit the config over samba.

Why the heck would that be?

Hmm. Weird. I wonder if your browser assigns separate subnets to wireless vs wired domains?

The problem/fix likely has something to do with your router.

Looking like that’s where the problem lays, I keep getting caught by red herrings which isn’t helped by having no previous experience of Pis or linux.

Thanks again for the inspiration :slight_smile: