Can't setup template using input number & utility meter data

Hey, would it be possible for you experts to help me out?

Thanks for your advice!

I was trying to calculate the daily cost of my gas consumption based on a yearly fixed cost + tariff/kwh.
However, when adding the “gas price” sensor to my config, I get below error.

Invalid config for [template]: invalid template (TemplateSyntaxError: unexpected '}') for dictionary value @ data['sensor'][12]['state']. Got "{% set a = states('sensor.daily_gas') | float %} {% set b = states('input_number.all_in_tarief_gas') | float %} {% set c = states('input_number.vaste_kosten_gas') | float / 365 %} {{ ((a * b) + c) | round(2) }\n". (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 143).

Here’s the config:

utility meter:
    source: sensor.gas_consumed_belgium
    cycle: daily

    name: All-in tarief Gas
    initial: 0.974 
    min: 0.000
    max: 0.999
    mode: box
    step: 0.001
    unit_of_measurement: 'EUR per m3'
    name: Vaste Kosten Gas
    initial: 117.34
    min: 0.00
    max: 200.00
    mode: box
    step: 0.01
    unit_of_measurement: 'EUR per jaar'

  - sensor:
      - name: "Today Gas Price"
        unit_of_measurement: 'EUR'
        state: >
          {% set a = states('sensor.daily_gas') | float %}
          {% set b = states('input_number.all_in_tarief_gas') | float %}
          {% set c = states('input_number.vaste_kosten_gas') | float / 365 %}
          {{ ((a * b) + c) | round(2) }

in the last line you are missing the last }

{{ ((a * b) + c) | round(2) }

should be:

{{ ((a * b) + c) | round(2) }}



take your time - some more weeks and you will be able to easily read the error messages & templates :+1: