Hi all. I just tool delivery of a Nabu Home Assistant Voice PE. I have been struggling quite a lot with it, and now seeking help.
It was delivered to me with a firmware in the 24.10.X series (don’t remember exactly which version). Initial setup went fine (coonecting to wifi via companion app), but as soon as I reached the firmware update part, the problems started. Basically it goes into an update loop (looking for updates → updating → looking for updates → etc).
I have tried everything I could think of within the HA web-app to get past this (trying to update directly from the ESPHome integration and adopting the device in ESPHome Device Builder to update from there). All attempts fail.
I have then done some more research, and found the git repo for the Voice PE firmware (GitHub - esphome/home-assistant-voice-pe: Home Assistant Voice PE). There is a web-based update tool referenced there (Home Assistant Voice PE) that works quite well. So I have flashed quite a few firmware versions to the device, and here are my results:
- All versions below and including 24.12.3 allow the device to boot and be discovered in HA (but update will still fail)
- All versions above and including the latest 25.1.0 seem to flash well, but render the device unbootable (soft brick). I have attached the boot logs from the device attempting to boot 24.12.4 unsuccessfully.
Anyone else seen this? How do it get this Voice PE updated to latest version?