Card for dynamic lists (like the new shopping list)?

Hey I’m looking for a specific type of card and couldn’t find anything so far unfortunately.

So I have the situation in the pic below. What I would find more user friendly is a card like the new shopping list one that allows me to add additional rows for new telegram users dynamically. Unfortunately the shopping list is “global”. I would need multiple lists which I can somehow read the content of.

My current plan is to use a simple JSON array as you can see. I would just parse and use that in the backend. Is there anything like that?


I found this list-card earlier and still waiting for the right case to try it. Take a look to see if it may meet your need.

This may work. Do I understand correctly that it automatically updates based on the set filters? I’d just have to link this to a button, so I can dynamically add entries

Yes. That is correct.

Or just filter for those entities without the button. Something like telegram_*

The thing is that I want to be able to add entries on the fly. The current textbox is containing a JSON array with the telegram services I want this app to message.

The idea in this thread was to have a more user friendly list where I can add new telegram users.