Change card color based on Google travel time

Hello :slight_smile:

I have a dashboard with a card for the travel time to my work. I would like the text on that card to change color, depending on the travel time. (e.g. if travel time is above 40 minutes, make the text red).

I came up with the following code, but the text is always green. In other words, there is something wrong with the if-statement. I don’t know how to read the value in the variable to debug, so I have no clue how to solve it.

Does anyone have any pointers? :slight_smile: thank you in advance for your help!!

      - type: entity
        entity: sensor.google_travel_time
        name: Travel to work
        style: |
          ha-card {
              {% set drive_time = states('sensor.google_travel_time') | float / 60 %}
              {% if drive_time > 40 %}
              {% else %}
              {% endif %}

Try using a more proper way:

  style: |
    ha-card {
      {% if ... %}
      color: red;
      {% else %}
      color: green;
      {% endif %}

thank you for the tip. I cleaned it up, but unfortunately it didn’t change the outcome… still always shows green.

Then paste your template into Dev tools → Template and check

I found it! For some stupid reason I did “/60” behind the float, which was just old code. DUH! Just removed that and it worked :slight_smile:

Thank you for the support :slight_smile:

here is the final working code for whoever needs it in the future:

      - type: entity
        entity: sensor.google_travel_time
        icon: mdi:car-hatchback
        name: Travel to work
        style: |
          ha-card {
            {% set drive_time = states('sensor.google_travel_time') | float %}
            {% if drive_time > 35 %}
              color: red;
            {% else %}
              color: green;
            {% endif %}

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