This seems like a simple thing, but everything I try results in errors.
In the card below I want the title “Game Room” to change to orange when binary_sensor.game_room_mmwave_presence_zigbee_occupancy
is on
. Card-mod 3 is installed, and I have a reasonable amount of experience with templating in Lovelace.
My current code is below. Would really appreciate some guidance.
type: vertical-stack
- type: horizontal-stack
title: Game Room
- type: tile
name: All Lights Off
icon: mdi:lightbulb
entity: scene.equipment_room_01_alexa_automation_2_toggame
color: disabled
- type: tile
template: medium
entity: light.game_room_game_room_fan
name: Fan
icon: mdi:fan
color: blue
- type: horizontal-stack
- type: tile
template: medium
entity: light.game_room_game_room_hallway_light
name: Hall
icon: mdi:dome-light
color: blue
- type: tile
template: medium
entity: light.game_room_game_room_recessed
name: Cans
icon: mdi:wall-sconce-round
color: blue