Change config of Fibaro Motion Sensor in HA?


I’m trying to change the config of my FIbaro motion sensor so that it flashes in a different style.

For this, parameter 80 gives several options:

Right now, it is set to the light grey option you can see in the screen shot.

Now, when I change it to “Flashlight Mode…” so that it acts as a kind of night light when motion is detected and then click “Set Config Parameter”, I see a toast that the config was set, but then the UI swithes back to the light grey option that is currently set.

I realize that a config may not be set immediately because the device may be in power save mode. But afaik it still reconnects every couple hours. So I tried it several times and waited let it sit for several days without success. Doing the same config step in OZWCP did not help either.

So… how do you actually change the settings of a device?


You might want to cat the OZW_log.txt file for Node0xx to see what was done…

You also might want to find out if the motion sensor has a wakeup button, so that you can trigger the wakeup yourself…

Yes, it works if I get it down from the ceiling and wake it up first.

But what is the procedure to update the config of zwave devices without disassembling them?

It was not enough to walk in front of the sensor to make it update its config.

Each sensor has a wake up time and typically it does not accept configuration changes outside of that interval. Waking it up would ask it to check in and take the change as soon as you wake it up… That would only be for battery-powered devices…

I thought that it would grab config changes on each wake up.

Having to wake all devices up manually while simultaneous triggering config changes seems like a strange concept as you would have to jump around the house to each motion sensor, window sensor or whatever and fiddle with it while triggering the config ad-hoc with a tablet in the other hand.

Are you sure that the config “sync” on automatic wake-up is not a concept in zwave?

thats the way it works unfortunaltely atm… wake up your motioneye … be fast make your changes and with luck they have been kept :stuck_out_tongue: those motion eyes have wakeup VERY VERY short :stuck_out_tongue: