Change size of increase/decrease buttons | Simple thermostat card

I’m struggling to find the proper way to change the size of the +/- buttons on the simple thermostat card. I want them smaller.
I can change the font for the value etc. but can’t find the last bit…
Any ideas?
I’ve tried the developer tools in the browser but I am terrible at interpreting the data.

it’s these 2.

I am guessing a bit without your code, but you should be able to control the size of the plus and minus as well as the color with the following card_mod code…

type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.living_room
  step: row
header: false
control: false
 style: |
   :host {
     --mdc-icon-size: 15px !important;
     --icon-primary-color: lime !important;