So I finally needed to subnet my home network. I have a lab and a bunch of other IOT things plus security system, etc. I had come to the point that all the broadcast traffic was severely slowing things down.
My HA system is running as a docker image on an Ubuntu server with a number of other images. I had it running just fine. It could find all my WEMO devices, my thermostats (RadioThermostat), my Samsung TV’s, etc. This was all on my network. I have a Cisco 3825 ISR router with a 36 port switch plugin which I segmented into a, and a couple others. The is to replace the network for all my desktops, servers and printers. I created a dhcp pool that excluded 1 to 100 on the network. This meant the docker server with HA now moved to the network. This worked fine until I fired up HA and all my configurations for dynamically addressed devices had disappeared. I tried rediscovering but to no avail. I use a Ubiquiti AP as my WIFI access point and I readdressed it. I could see the WEMO devices using the Ubiquiti management software and each had a new address in the range but they couldn’t be discovered by HA.
I’m really at a loss as to how to bring this back. When I first started with HA it discovered the WEMO devices right off.
One other thing I find kind of frustrating with HA is there is no schema in the docks for the file structure. It’s kind of hard to see where you need to go without a road map.
Thanks for any help.