Changing username equals Unknown Error

Hi all

I’m admin of the account and I’m trying to change the name of the Person [the admin] under Configuration.
When I change it from the original name to the desired name, it flags up “Unknown Error” at the top.

How do I fix this please?
Picture of issue below



Same Problem…

Same problem for me!

Have you found a solution so far?

Version 2020.12.7
Operating System Home Assistant OS 5.10

Same problem.

Same problem here as well - will post resolution if/once found…

I had the same problem. What I did was from config/.storage/person I updated the name there directly and it was reflecting on the frontend.
I believe I also updated the entity id from person.homeassistant_main. Did not see any issues anywhere in the home assistant.

Same problem here with Home Assistant Core-2021.2.3 in docker.
Any idea how to change it? I don’t know how to get into this path config/.storage/person @kan84

I have mapped the volume to the local drive so i can access the configuration easily.

Do you know where your config directory is located? Are you using docker compose or just docker run to start the container?
You can SSH to the home assistant server and go to the mapped volume on the server. If you can tell me more about your setup i might be able to help

Hi, thanks for your help. I’m running the docker container on Unraid. I know where my config directory is. But I’m missing the folder that you describe. Is it just that simpel to map a local volume to config/.storage in the container setup to see the rest of the files or do I need to run something in the console of the HA core container?

/.storage is a hidden directory under /config/.storage. Try ls -la or something and see if you can view it. It should exist as i dont think directory structure varies with the type of installation

I believe there are three kinds of installation for HA

  1. Home Assistant core which I have
  2. Home Assistant core with supervisor so you can install addons directly. In first case for eg: I had to have a seperate docker for zwavejs2mqtt or node red
  3. Homeassistant OS - You get pretty much all the things in 2 along with OS update. Since you are running in docker container on unraid it definitely is 1 or 2.

Persistent storage helps with rollback etc on docker and one of the reasons i use so i can conveniently move between version.
Sample command for mapping volume below, you can use any path on your unraid i believe (Never used unraid and that too docker on unraid so not sure how different it is from normal linux docker enviroment)

docker run --init -d \
  --name homeassistant \
  --restart=unless-stopped \
  -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
  -v /PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFIG:/config \
  --network=host \

Another way is docker compose where you can keep the above in a simple file like below

version: '3.7'
  container_name: homeassistant
  image: homeassistant/home-assistant:latest
  network_mode: "host"
  - /home/pi/docker/HomeAssistant/config:/config
  - /etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt:ro
   - /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0
   - /dev/ttyUSB1:/dev/ttyUSB1
  - TZ=America/New_York
  restart: always

Then a simple sh script for recreating the container when image has been updated. When you run this, it will trigger docker compose and read the above docker compose file and recreate the container and your original data will still exist at /home/pi/docker/HomeAssistant/config

docker-compose up -d --build homeassistant

Make sure you make a backup of everything before you mess around with config files

I found it! I was not logged in with the root account. I changed the /person file and it is reflecting on the frontend. Good that I know this now, thanks! Also changed my backup tool to root so that I get a backup of all the files in the /config folder of HA. Thanks for your help!

Hi @kan84… Found this file and made the change. Do I have to reboot the raspberry pi to see the change effected?

Dont remember if i had restarted or not, but its not gonna harm restarting HA.

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Solution for Changing username equals Unknown Error.

Access the following file with WinSCP.
You can change your username there.

When you update the name and save the file you get unknown error in HomeAssistant or while updating the file?