Hey guys, can anyone recommend a small form factor IP camera, preferably with IR leds.
I tried the search, but could not find what I was looking for. Thanks for any tips!
There’s a plethora of cameras that fit this description so it really narrows down to the following:
Is there a web UI built in or some method of getting the image stream via a direct URL.
This is the question you need to ask because as long as there is a method to access the stream via a URL, you should be able to use the camera in HA.
A great place to check this is https://www.ispyconnect.com/sources.aspx, because it maintains a db of most of the cameras out there and you can use this as a basis to connect with HA.
I have two Foscam 8918s and one old Netgear IP cam (both no longer made) as well as two outside mounted VStarcams that I purchased from eBay (dead cheap, 720p with good IR) and two Android IP webcams (repurposed phones).
I use the generic mjpeg cam with the Foscams and Netgear, and I use FFMPeg for the vstars. I could have used generic for them as well, but FFMPeg gives me larger images.
I’ve heard that the pi noir camera performs very well even without LED
can you please share the config you used for vstarcam?? i have C7816WIP
digoo mini has served me really well https://www.banggood.com/Digoo-DG-M1Q-960P-2_8mm-Wireless-Mini-WIFI-Night-Vision-Smart-Home-Security-IP-Camera-Onvif-Monitor-p-1123595.html
did you set it up on HA as a onvif camera? does it work well?
Mine is connected to my Synology surveillance station and then I connected that to home assistant, because I only have to maintain the one component then. But it is an onvif camera
It also has an rtsp stream at rtsp://admin:20160404@ipaddress:554/onvif