Check integration status

Hola guys.
Sory if it easy, but i breake my brain long time.
I whant to send notify in Telegram when HA is started up and send some info about all integrations, like current status (running or not).
So i need variable in text message but i cant find what it should be.

service: notify.odnaf_butler_chat
  message: >
   ✅Home Assistant✅
   Start up succed
   1. Integration {{ if (state.integration.status) {🟢} else {🔴} }}
   2. Integration ......


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im bad in yaml syntax :slight_smile:

UP :slight_smile: (and 10 characters more).

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DoplerGanger - did you ever find out how to do this ?

i stoped my research in that whay, and didnt find it, but if i find i post it here.

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