Clear file content

Hello everyone,

I have created an automation that, using the notify.file service, writes a text file with the values of some sensors every 5 minutes.

alias: metern2
description: ""
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /5
condition: []
  - service: notify.metern2
      message: |-
        {{ '2(' + states.sensor.consumo_live_w.state + '*W)'}}
        {{ '2(' + states.sensor.consumo_energia_totale.state + '*Wh)'}}
        {{ '2_1(' + states.sensor.tensione.state + '*V)'}}
        {{ '2_2(' + states.sensor.corrente.state + '*A)'}}
        {{ '2_3(' + states.sensor.frequenza_live.state + '*Hz)'}}
        {{ '2_4(' + states.sensor.power_factor.state + '*F)'}}
mode: single

How can I clear the content of the file before writing to it? I would like the text file to only contain the latest reading and not the history.

You could create a shell command to delete and recreate the file. Then call that before writing to it.

another shell command that should work is

truncate -s 0 filename.ext
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Can you show me the correct syntax in my automation, please?


  clear_file: "truncate -s 0 filename.ext"

Don’t forget to change the filename and you have to restart Home Assistant after saving this config (a reload will not be sufficient).

Your automation

  - service: shell_command.clear_file
  - service: notify.metern2
      message: |-
        {{ '2(' + states.sensor.consumo_live_w.state + '*W)'}}
        {{ '2(' + states.sensor.consumo_energia_totale.state + '*Wh)'}}
        {{ '2_1(' + states.sensor.tensione.state + '*V)'}}
        {{ '2_2(' + states.sensor.corrente.state + '*A)'}}
        {{ '2_3(' + states.sensor.frequenza_live.state + '*Hz)'}}
        {{ '2_4(' + states.sensor.power_factor.state + '*F)'}}
mode: single

thank you very much