CLI not starting

Hi everyone! I have some issue after restarting home assistant they show me this message :

And the (home assistant) never start after that messages, I need to restart him a couple times then he starts again. Anyone know what’s going on here?

Hello gips700,

Are you running that on WIFI?
That looks like some network hardware error to me, the word brcm_set_channel sounds like Broadcom and possibly WIFI channel.

No. It’s connected to the LAN port.

Thank you guys. I’m figured out. The problem was I have set up LAN and WiFi, but the preference was setting on the LAN, And after I’m disconnect Wi-Fi Problem was solved.

But I’m still confused Why the Wi-Fi is not working on boot. Because after system is load Wi-Fi working too.

I had the same problem.
Adding brcmfmac.roamoff=1 brcmfmac.feature_disable=0x282000 at the END of the /mnt/boot/cmdline.txt on rpi 5 solved the issue
see: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec fail, reason -52 · Issue #6049 · raspberrypi/linux · GitHub