Hi There,
i have update my home assistant to release 0.99.0.dev20190918 .
in these release i have configured my currect climate with netatmo hw. here i have these values/attributes:
hvac_modes: auto,heat,off
current_temperature: 21.4
min_temp: 7
max_temp: 35
target_temp_step: 0.5
temperature: 0
hvac_action: idle
preset_mode: off
preset_modes: away,boost,Frost Guard,Schedule
battery_level: 98
friendly_name: netatmo_salon
supported_features: 17
the issue that i have is that i can configure from home assitant dashboard the climate, but when i try to configure from my device phone the climate using the app of netatmo , for instance i configure temperature to 23º or i configured climate in mode off, this setup that I execute in the app it’s not updated in home assistant…in the other words, seems that is not able to read the current status from cloud of netatmo, only can execute .
any help?
thanks for your support!