Cloudflare tunnel consistently going down

i lose connection to my homeasssitant like 9-10 times an hour it tries to reconnect then sometimes ends up banning me.
i looked through and some folks recommended adding protocol http2 to the configuration but that doesn’t seem to have resolved the issue.

anybody have any idea what’s up?

2024-08-27T16:24:04Z INF Updated to new configuration config="{\"ingress\":[{\"hostname\":\"\", \"originRequest\":{\"noTLSVerify\":true}, \"service\":\"http://homeassistant:8123\"}, {\"originRequest\":{\"noTLSVerify\":true}, \"service\":\"http_status:404\"}], \"warp-routing\":{\"enabled\":false}}" version=1
2024-08-27T16:24:05Z INF Registered tunnel connection connIndex=3 connection=1d416d2c-5fc3-4203-993a-a7e787b78738 event=0 ip= location=msp01 protocol=http2
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z INF Lost connection with the edge connIndex=3
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z INF Lost connection with the edge connIndex=0
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z WRN Serve tunnel error error="connection with edge closed" connIndex=3 event=0 ip=
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z INF Unregistered tunnel connection connIndex=1 event=0 ip=
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z INF Retrying connection in up to 1s connIndex=3 event=0 ip=
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z WRN Serve tunnel error error="connection with edge closed" connIndex=0 event=0 ip=
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z INF Lost connection with the edge connIndex=1
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z INF Retrying connection in up to 1s connIndex=0 event=0 ip=
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z INF Unregistered tunnel connection connIndex=0 event=0 ip=
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z WRN Serve tunnel error error="connection with edge closed" connIndex=1 event=0 ip=
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z INF Unregistered tunnel connection connIndex=3 event=0 ip=
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z INF Retrying connection in up to 1s connIndex=1 event=0 ip=
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z INF Lost connection with the edge connIndex=2
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z WRN Serve tunnel error error="connection with edge closed" connIndex=2 event=0 ip=
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z INF Retrying connection in up to 1s connIndex=2 event=0 ip=
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z INF Unregistered tunnel connection connIndex=2 event=0 ip=
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z ERR Connection terminated error="connection with edge closed" connIndex=1
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z ERR Connection terminated error="connection with edge closed" connIndex=2
2024-08-27T16:31:53Z ERR Connection terminated error="connection with edge closed" connIndex=3
2024-08-27T16:31:54Z ERR Connection terminated error="connection with edge closed" connIndex=0
2024-08-27T16:32:10Z INF Registered tunnel connection connIndex=1 connection=5888a2c0-e9fb-495a-99ea-9ed4181edc0f event=0 ip= location=msp01 protocol=http2
2024-08-27T16:32:10Z INF Registered tunnel connection connIndex=0 connection=b30f878e-6db5-438c-a61b-267bfa187077 event=0 ip= location=ord08 protocol=http2
2024-08-27T16:32:11Z INF Registered tunnel connection connIndex=2 connection=dd02a8ec-6211-4fa4-8863-41b5617af238 event=0 ip= location=ord11 protocol=http2
2024-08-27T16:32:11Z INF Registered tunnel connection connIndex=3 connection=8b51567e-bf1a-4701-8afd-184b04506fbb event=0 ip= location=msp01 protocol=http2

Change keep alive to 20

made the change today will update

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