Code-editor not showing up and black flickering in dashboard (Video)

Hi everyone,

I’m having trouble with my frontend. I can’t see the code editor anymore. When I’m editing the dashboards oder just one card, I can click “switch to code editor” but it doesn’t show up. Also: on some dashboards black flickering happens when hovering over the cards (see video).

Home Assistant 2023.2.4
Supervisor 2023.01.1
Operating System 9.5
Frontend 20230202.0 - latest
Browser: Safari 16.4 on MacOS 13.3

However, in the Home Assistant app for Mac I see no flickering, but the editor ist also not viewable.

I tried rebooting, deactivating Adguard, clearing cache… nothing.

Any ideas? Help please :slight_smile:

Exactly the same here!
On Mac and iPhone.

Don´t know if it is on Frontend or Safari, can´t remember if that happends after HA update or IOS and MacOS updates.

I have the exact same problem… it’s defiantly seems like a Safari issue (Mac/iOS). If I use Chrome it works fine!