Color loop for Hue lights in HA?

I installed in garden nice color lamps connected with Hue.
Various app give a nice colour loop functionality (color changes within a spectrum, with changeable transition time).

Is this possible in HA?

You can use the light.turn_on service while supplying the option effect: colorloop. This is something you can do through a script or an automation.
However, I don’t think you can influence the speed of the colorloop. You can supply a value for transition: but this only defines how long it should take the light to get from the old state to the new state (e.g. from off to colorlooping at 100% brightness).

Can you please give me a simple code. I don’t need automation, just a switch

I quickly put together the following script example:

    - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.lightstrip_desk
        effect: colorloop
        brightness: 127
        transition: 5

So if I were to add script.office_moodlight to my HASS interface, then I get a “ACTIVATE” button to turn on the lightstrip with colorloop effect.

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What I add in configuration, something like this (my light is garden_right)?

  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.garden_right
      effect: colorloop
      brightness: 254
      transition: 5

I get this error
16-12-10 13:49:59 homeassistant.loader: Unable to find component garden_moodlight

I find it complicate, I still don’t understand how it all works

Replace the dot with a space in script.garden_moodlight

script garden_moodlight:
  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.garden_right
      effect: colorloop
      brightness: 254
      transition: 5

thabks, I did this, now is working

      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.garden_right
          effect: colorloop
          brightness: 254
          transition: 5