Color picker no longer available?

For some reason, after the latest update, I can no longer find the color picker for any of my hue bulbs. Was there a breaking change that I missed? Is there something I’m doing wrong? My lights are set on the stadard “light” card, and it used to bring up a color picker on a long-press, but it doesn’t any longer.

Any help would be appreciated. I searched the forums but could not find any other mention of this. I figure it’s just something I’m missing right in front of my nose.

Bring up the more info card. Then turn the light on. TaDa! The colour picker should appear. You cant pick the colour when most lights are off, so the picker is not shown.

If that is not happening it’s a bug.

That isn’t happening. They are hue color lamps, and even when on the more info card just shows an on/off switch.

If you don’t see the colour picker when the light is on, you need to raise an issue on GitHub.

I think it was already addressed. I say that I was on 115.0. Updated to 115.3 and the issue is resolved!


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I was just looking at related issues, it seems a custom card can break this function.

But glad to hear that is not your issue.