am using visonic 340e sensors connected to samsung smartthing hub2, that are coneced to ha using mqtt. every sensor have, tempratur sensor, battery sensor and a binary magnetic sensor.
in the samartthings hub, every device is showed as one device and when i click on it the other 2 sensors show the status. but in ha i get 3 different sensors, how can i combine the 3 sensors into one device instead of having 3 separate sensors.
not sure it’s possible without getting complex
You’d basically need to track each sensor info as an attribute. So you’ll need to select what data goes as the main device state and what goes as an attribute, then you’ll have to create some automation to set that device’s attributes. I’m not even sure how to do this other than creating a new MQTT sensor and publish data to it each time you receive data from your smartthings hub…